One of the many high resolution photos
from Nick Marella's "Marsface Region
CD Rom"


Welcome to Nuclear Physicist Stan Friedman's Web page!

This Month: April 15,1996

Your UFO sighting reports continue to come in. Thanks to everyone who has submitted a report so far. Read about two eyewitness accounts on the next page.

We examined an interesting CD Rom this month. It contains a collection of high qualty photographic images of the surface of Mars. You can clearly see the "Face" as well as other interesting artifacts. Check it out.

It has been a busy time in UFOLOGY this past month.

A metallic specimen reportedly from the crashed suacer in New Mexico was given to the International UFO Museum in Roswell......
Richard Hoagland hosts a major press conference about artificial structures on the moon......
Carl Sagan continues to attack the existance of extraterrestrial spacecraft visiting earth in his new book......
Roswell refuted? These are claims based on the minutes of a Scientific Advisory Board meeting.....

We are asking people who have had interesting observations (please not just lights in the sky) to tell us about them. Of particular interest are multiple witness cases, physical trace cases, radar visual sightings, abductions, military cases, crashes. Witness names won't be used without permission. Use the attached form and we will publish the most interesting cases.

Some common questions about UFOs and Stan Friedmans responses. Uses the ToolVox online audio system.

An interesting selection of books, videos, and CD Roms about UFOs and related topics.

Biograhical information about nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman.

Click the CD to find out about "UFO's... the Real Story"!
- Don't forget to Bookmark our site! Each month we update our report with the latest UFO findings! -

⌐1996 MediaNet Communications (medianet@nbnet.nb.ca)



More Information On Stanton Friedman

CD-ROM Review A Talk By Stanton Chicago's UFO Public Awareness Program